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Revolutionising emergency response and saving lives

Nothing is more frightening than when something goes wrong underground and people are in danger or injured and need urgent medical attention and rescue.

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Mobile Mine Rescue Winder

Overview - Mobile Mine Rescue Winder

Mine accidents result in workers being trapped at great depths underground, with long delays in rescue operations being launched. We were inspired by the Chilean mining disaster of 2010, when one of our Fulton winders was flown in to do service in that rescue operation.

We invented a very novel and exciting solution – the Mobile Rescue Winder (MRW).

Our Mobile Mine Rescue Winders dramatically speed up rescue operations.

MRW’s can be made to customer specifications. The initial, pioneering models are our Deep Level Mobile Rescue Winder (1,200m depth), and the Ultra Deep Level MRW (3,000m depth).

Features of both MRWs are:

Mobile Mine Rescue Winders

Mobile Mine Rescue Winders - Version 3

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